A Small Apology and a Promise

I realize the last post I wrote was about 2 months ago, and honestly I’m quite disappointed in myself because of it. I had planned to write a cute little post about the Holiday season and it turns out that the season ended up munching on every spare minute I had. I felt like I was scrambling through all the christmas shopping, christmas card writing, and my part of the holiday party preparations I was in charge of. The season just kept sneaking my minutes away the way a child usually does when they’re not supposed to have cookies before dinner. This also resulted in my panicked packing for the winter break trip to Europe I was about to embark on with my best friend.

I know I don’t post often enough for this to be dealt like a serious issue but I still personally feel like I owe you – ALL my wonderfully gracious (and patient) readers – an apology. So hopefully with all your graciousness you will accept this small little sorry I’m offering. As part of this apology, I also want to make a promise that I will be communicating with you more often in the near future, and that I won’t ever forget about you and the support I feel from you from just one small read of my blog.

A new year has started and like everyone usually likes to consider a new year as a new fresh start and give themselves New Year resolutions, I shall do the same! I implore that you hold me to these goals of mine because without your help, I won’t go very far. I can already sense it. Hehe My goals for this blog is to have AT LEAST 2 posts a month if not more, as well as actually go out and reach out to my readers even if its to give them a simple thanks for reading. I’m going to make more of a effort to get involved and comment on the posts I read and blogs I follow. Hey it’s only fair, don’t you think?

Well, with this I leave you for now,, but I will be posting about my travels soon (Thought I was going to mention it, and then be mean enough to not tell you about it? Now that’s pretty cruel… even for me. Haha)

Sorry + Happy NY’s!!  –   ♥AR